除了已經初露頭角(五局11K)的Matt Moore之外, Rays的農場還有哪些球員令人期待呢?
(原文網址: http://tampabay.rays.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20110926&content_id=25229032¬ebook_id=25229034&vkey=notebook_tb&c_id=tb)
Minor League Player of the Year: Stephen Vogt
Minor League Pitcher of the Year: Matt Moore
Durham Bulls MVP: Russ Canzler
Montgomery Biscuits MVP: Stephen Vogt
Charlotte Stone Crabs MVP: Hak-Ju Lee
Bowling Green Hot Rods MVP: Derek Dietrich
Hudson Valley Renegades MVP: Jeff Malm
Princeton Rays MVP: Drew Vettleson
GCL Rays MVP: Roberto Gomez
DSL Rays MVP: Adderly Rosa
VSL Ray MVP: Oscar Hernandez
Best Defensive Player: Hak-Ju Lee
Best Baserunner: Tyler Bortnick
Best Reliever: Chris Rearick