
The Extra 2% - A book about a Major League Baseball Team from Worst to First

暨"Money Ball"後, 最近又出了一本講MLB球隊經營策略的書籍, 書名是"The Extra 2%" , 這裡是Amazon的連結.

這次是講哪一隊呢? 寫在這個Blog, 當然講的就是Rays啦! 出版社是ESPN, 作者是橫跨金融記者與體育記者工作的Jonah Keri, 所以這本書的寫法, 如同副標, 似乎是從華爾街的金融策略, 來看Rays這支球隊是怎麼從最糟的戰績, 最險惡的環境挑戰(同區有兩支邪惡帝國球隊), 最後可以在三年內兩度打進季後賽.

這裡是The Extra 2%的部落格網站

另外像是ESPN有部分書本內容的揭露, 可以先讓我們聞一下香: 'The Extra 2%': Whiffing on Albert Pujols

另外, 也可以來看看Amazon網站的介紹:

What happens when three financial industry whiz kids and certified baseball nuts take over an ailing major league franchise and implement the same strategies that fueled their success on Wall Street? In the case of the 2008 Tampa Bay Rays, an American League championship happens—the culmination of one of the greatest turnarounds in baseball history.

In The Extra 2%, financial journalist and sportswriter Jonah Keri chronicles the remarkable story of one team’s Cinderella journey from divisional doormat to World Series contender. When former Goldman Sachs colleagues Stuart Sternberg and Matthew Silverman assumed control of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays in 2005, it looked as if they were buying the baseball equivalent of a penny stock. But the incoming regime came armed with a master plan: to leverage their skill at trading, valuation, and management to build a model twenty-first-century franchise that could compete with their bigger, stronger, richer rivals—and prevail.

Together with “boy genius” general manager Andrew Friedman, the new Rays owners jettisoned the old ways of doing things, substituting their own innovative ideas about employee development, marketing and public relations, and personnel management. They exorcized the “devil” from the team’s nickname, developed metrics that let them take advantage of undervalued aspects of the game, like defense, and hired a forward-thinking field manager as dedicated to unconventional strategy as they were. By quantifying the game’s intangibles—that extra 2% that separates a winning organization from a losing one—they were able to deliver to Tampa Bay something that Billy Beane’s “Moneyball” had never brought to Oakland: an American League pennant.

A book about what happens when you apply your business skills to your life’s passion, The Extra 2% is an informative and entertaining case study for any organization that wants to go from worst to first.